How to Turn WiFi on LG TV | Problem Solving Tips


It is important to connect your LG smart TV to the internet to get the most from it. If you are looking for instructions on setting up a new WiFi connection on your TV, then here is a guide that’ll show you how.

How to Turn on WiFi on LG TV?

These are the steps you need to take to turn on the WiFi on your LG TV:

  • You can access the Settings menu in the top right corner of your screen by pressing the Home button on your remote.
  • Choose network, followed by WiFi Connection.
  • Input your password after selecting your wireless network.
  • Internet access should now be available on your LG TV.

WiFi on LG TV

WiFi does not work on LG TV

The following are the two most common fixes you should try right now if you’re experiencing trouble turning on your LG TV’s WiFi:

  • Try unplugging your LG TV, waiting 30 seconds, then plugging it back in and reconnecting with the WiFi network.
  • Select All settings > General > Reset to initial settings to perform a factory reset.

You may still have trouble connecting your LG TV to WiFi if you’ve tried these fixes.

Your TV’s location needs to be updated

Sometimes the “location” of LG TVs will not work automatically when the setting is “Set Automatically.”

 The TV’s software may have trouble establishing the WiFi connection because it has trouble assigning a location. This issue can be resolved manually by updating the location of your TV.

By selecting All settings > General > Location > LG Service Country, you can change the location.

Select a random country from the list instead of your own. This will reset your TV. Return to the list and select your country this time. Once the television has been reset, return to the location and select the Set Automatically option again.

Once you have configured your WiFi connection, you should be able to log in and use the internet again!

Message “WiFi has been turned off.”

When you try to connect to WiFi with some older LG models, a manufacturer’s defect appears. An inside WiFi cable can sometimes lead to this problem.

The message “WiFi is off” seems on display. By turning it on, you will see a list of additional networks that you can connect to and a list of related items without the ability to turn on WiFi.

The steps you need to take if you receive this message are:

  • Make sure the TV is facing down on a flat surface.
  • Disassemble the TV by removing the back.
  • Located at the bottom of the unit are two flat silver cables. They should be straightened out if bent or folded over, taking care to avoid damaging or removing them from the WiFi module.
  • Try replacing the back of the TV and reconnecting the WiFi.

Connections to WiFi drop and reconnect

To see if it helps, try the following tips if you find that your LG TV is losing its WiFi connection often.

  • You might want to try moving your wireless router closer to your TV.
  • A stable connection can be achieved by using an Ethernet cable.
  • Baby monitors, microwaves, and cordless phones should be removed from the vicinity to prevent signal interference.
  • USB hard drives can sometimes cause interference with the TV if they are attached.

Should the problem persist, your next best step should be to contact your internet service provider to ensure the issue is not coming from them.

See also How Many HDMI Ports Does an LG TV Have?

Turning off Quick Start

“Quick Start” isn’t to be had on all TVs. However, it has prompted connectivity issues in the past, so if your TV has it, flip it off.

  • Select “All settings” from the Settings menu.
  • Click “
  • Turn OFF “QuickStart” by scrolling down.
  • Turn off and unplug your TV.
  • Turn off your TV set for 30 seconds by pressing the power button.
  • Reconnect the TV and turn it on. Connect to the WiFi network again.

The network does not appear in the list

You should try the following if you don’t see your WiFi network listed:

  • Make sure the router is turned on.
  • Place the router near the TV with few obstacles like walls between it and the TV.
  • Connect the TV and router after unplugging them both and waiting 30 seconds.

No internet access despite joining the network

Check your other devices, such as your mobile phone, to see if they’re connected to the internet and working normally. If you’re able to connect to the network, there is an error saying no internet connection.

Contact your internet service provider if they appear to be working correctly, but your LG TV still displays the error message.

Firmware Updates

A lack of WiFi connectivity can sometimes be caused by out-of-date software. Then you may need to update the software on your TV. Your settings menu will tell you what updates are available, but you must be connected to the WiFi to download them.

This can be avoided by connecting your LG TV to the WiFi using an Ethernet cable and downloading any updates. Once the updates are downloaded, you will be able to access the WiFi.

Go to your remote’s “Settings” menu. Click on “All Settings,” then on “General.” Under About this TV, click “Check for updates.”

Failed to join with an incorrect password

After finding your network and inputting the password, you receive a message that the password is incorrect. Double-check that your password was entered correctly.

Remember that passwords are case-sensitive, so lowercase and uppercase letters are important. If you want to see what you are typing, you can choose the show password option.

If you’ve entered your password correctly, you may need to contact your internet service provider for a new password, but it doesn’t connect.

More Options for connecting WiFi to your LG TV

It’s not necessary to connect your WiFi to your TV. You can choose not to connect your TV to the internet if you’re concerned about internet security, though you will lose out on some smart features.

LG TVs can be connected to WiFi using other methods if you don’t want to deal with wireless connections or still want to use your favourite apps.

Ethernet/wired connection

You can use an Ethernet cable to connect your router to your TV. If you prefer a wired connection, you can use this to connect your router to your TV.

By doing this, you will always be able to have internet as long as the router is working properly. You will also be able to enjoy a more stable connection.

The streaming device

There are a couple of things to consider if you would not like to turn on the WiFi on your LG TV but would like access to streaming apps, including a Firestick, Chromecast, or another similar portable streaming device.

Consoles for gaming

It would be great if we could stream digital content directly to our TVs through gaming consoles like the PS4, PS5, and XBOX Series X.


In summary, this guide provides you with the steps to make configuring your LG smart TV a seamless and easy one, irrespective of your level of experience.

The steps outlined in this guide may not seem to be working for you, in which case, do not hesitate to get in touch with customer support.

The more details you can provide, such as whether or not you are having problems connecting to a specific WiFi source, how you are generally feeling with the TV, etc., the greater the chances that LG will be able to provide you with an effective solution.


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